Workshop Day 15 September

Bears Workshop Day 15. September

It’s time for another Bears Workshop Day! We are opening our doors for people eager to learn, dance, perform and exchange. However, this time the occasion is a bit more special. Together with six other centers for art and culture, Bears in the Park is part of the Kulturelle Ankerzentren in Vienna. From the 11.09 – 17.09 each day another Ankerzentrum will introduce itself and the possibilities it is offering. And on Friday 15. September it is our turn!

As always, our recent artists-in-residence will invite you to their practices. For one day, Bears in the Park becomes a site of moving minds and bodies. In order to be part of this event you only need to check the program and register for the workshops you want to attend with:

As always: Our Workshop Days and events are free of charge.

For the full timetable and description of the events, please click here.

Workshop Day Overview

12:00  – 13:30: ALBERTO CISSELLO: Shared Practice “Dramaturgies in silence”

13:00 – 17:00: STEFANO D’ALESSIO: Workshop “Hubby Gears”

14:00 – 15:30: DORIS HINTSTEINER: Workshop “Elements in Communicatio”

15:30 – 17:00: CAMILLA SCHIELIN: Workshop “Pilates girlies, lets dance!”

17:30 – 17:50: PUC COLLECTIVE: Work-in-progress-showing “Hide and Seek “

18:00- 18:30: LUCIA ROSENFELD: Open Rehearsal “because cracks tell stories”

Time and Place:

Friday 15. September
from 12h
at Bears in the Park, Kempelengasse 1, 1100 Wien


Huggy Bears go Kultursommer

On July 15th Ariadne Randall, The Needles and Jannis Neumann  will perform “a bears summer night” for Kultursommer (program). The audience will get a unique preview of what will await us for the artists’ upcoming premieres in November. In one hour the audience will experience dance, participatory elements related to fashion, a human seal and a music set with a very old instrument. More so, the summerly vibes at the open air Kultursommer stage will give the evening a very special atmosphere.

When & Where:

15.7., 18:30 – 19:30
Kultursommer-Stage Schrödingerplatz, 1220 Vienna
free entry!


Am 15. Juli werden Ariadne Randall, The Needles und Jannis Neumann im Rahmen des Kultursommers (Programm) “a bears summer night” performen. Das Publikum erhält einen einmaligen Vorgeschmack auf das, was uns bei den kommenden Premieren der Künstler*innen im November erwartet. In einer Stunde erlebt das Publikum Tanz, partizipatorische Elemente zum Thema Mode, eine menschliche Robbe und ein Musikstück mit einem sehr alten Instrument. Die sommerliche Stimmung auf der Open-Air-Bühne des Kultursommers wird dem Abend zudem eine ganz besondere Atmosphäre verleihen.

Wann & Wo:

15.7., 18:30 – 19:30
Kultursommer-Bühne Schrödingerplatz, 1220 Wien
Eintritt frei!


YouDance – eine Fotoausstellung im Kempelenpark

Over the past few months, filmmaker and photographer Elena Tikhonova has repeatedly visited Kempelenpark in the 10th district to take some very special pictures. Because Kempelenpark is not only inhabited by the Bears. Every working day, hundreds of people, many of whom have only recently arrived in Austria, come and go in this large concrete building. And somewhere between, there we are with our art space. Since the windows of our studios are on the first floor, we sometimes attract a certain curiosity…. sometimes. And that’s a good thing, because our lives, our work, and our timing here often seem very different. We have people dancing, making music and noise, moving in all directions, while at the same time people come to Kempelenpark to learn German, to get further education or to visit the bicycle workshop.

For years we had the feeling of seeing each other every day, but not knowing much about each other. The photo project “YouDance” wants to break up this situation, at least for a bit. Bears and the Park and Elena Tikhonova have spent several days interviewing people visiting Kempelenpark about their connection to dance and performance, while capturing their reactions in pictures. We wanted to know what do our neighbors actually know about us? And what interests them, or doesn’t interest them, in dance and performance art? During the shootings we started to have conversations. People told us where and when they like to dance and when they prefer not to. Or they told us about how they used to take dance lessons themselves in their home countries. We, on the other hand, talked about what actually happens behind our studio doors. Although we didn’t always understand each other, either because of language barriers or different experiences, it was still nice to meet.

The photo exhibition “You Dance” is meant to be a humorous survey of the coexistence of two worlds that have hardly ever come into contact with each other… even though they share the same premises.

We would like to thank all the participants of the project for having accepted us, our questions and the camera. After the opening in June 3rd, the pictures can be taken down and taken away by the photographed persons themselves.

Opening “YouDance”

June 3 – 20h

in the foyer of the Kempelenpark

Kempelengasse 1, Building section 1, 1100

The opening takes place in the context of Quality Street.



In den vergangen Monaten hat die Filmemacherin und Fotografin Elena Tikhonova immer wieder den Kempelenpark im 10. Bezirk besucht, um ganz besondere Aufnahmen zu machen. Denn der Kempelenpark wird nicht nur von den Bears bewohnt. Jeden Werktag gehen Hunderte von Menschen, von denen viele erst seit kurzem in Österreich sind, in diesem großen Betongebäude ein und aus. Und irgendwo dazwischen sind wir mit unserem Kunstraum. Da sich die Fenster unserer Studios im Erdgeschoss befinden, ziehen wir manchmal eine gewisse Neugierde auf uns… manchmal. Und das ist auch gut so, denn unsere Leben, unsere Arbeit und unser Timing hier erscheinen oft sehr unterschiedlich. Bei uns wird getanzt, Musik und Lärm gemacht, sich in alle Richtungen bewegt, während Menschen in den Kempelenpark kommen, um Deutsch zu lernen, sich weiterbilden zu lassen oder die Fahrradwerkstatt zu besuchen.

Jahrelang hatten wir das Gefühl uns zwar täglich zu sehen, aber nicht viel voneinander zu wissen. Das Fotoprojekt “YouDance” möchte diese Situation etwas aufbrechen. Bears and the Park und Elena Tikhonova habent an mehreren Tagen die Besucher*innen des Kempelenparks zu ihrer Verbindung zu Tanz und Performance interviewt, während ihre Reaktionen in Bildern festgehlaten wurden. Wir wollten erfahren was wissen unsere Nachbar*innen eigentlich über uns? Und was interessiert sie oder auch nicht an Tanz und Performance-Kunst? Bei den Aufnahmen kam es zu Gesprächen. Menschen berichteten uns, wo und wann sie gerne tanzen und wann lieber nicht. Oder sie erzählten davon, wie sie früher selbst Tanzunterricht genommen haben. Wir dagegen sprachen darüber, was eigentlich so hinter unseren Studiotüren passiert. Zwar haben wir uns dabei nicht immer ganz gegenseitig verstanden, sei es wegen Sprachbarrieren oder unterschiedlichen Erfahrungen, war es dennoch schön einander zu begegnen.

Die Fotoausstellung “You Dance” versteht sich als eine humorvolle Bestandsaufnahme über die Koexistenz zweier Welten, die bisher kaum miteinander in Berührung kommen… obwohl sie das gleiche Areal teilen.

Wir danken allen Teilnehmer*innen des Projekts, dass sie sich auf uns, unsere Fragen und die Kamera eingelassen haben. Die Bilder können nach der Eröffnung im 3. Juni von den Fotografierten selbstständig abgehangen und mitgenommen werden.

Eröffnung “YouDance”

3. Juni – 20h

im Foyer des Kempelenparks

Kempelengasse 1, Bauteil 1, 1100

Die Eröffnung findet im Rahmen der Quality Street statt.

Quality Street_June 3

QUALITY STREET! – Saturday, 3. June

You have been waiting, but here it comes: QUALITY STREET! edition 2023. This year our famous performance series behind windows will only take place one time for one evening. But what an evening this will be. Never have we done a QUALITY STREET! grander than this one.

We are looking forward to great musical acts like concerts by the French band Orly, the Viennese choir femchor and a DJ-Set by Malenciaga. We are happy to announce our house-made photo exhibition together with photographer and filmmaker Elena Tikhonova and we will show Gabriel Tempa’s film installation: “Flashbacks: Romania during communism.” And of course, a performance awaits us: Sara-Lisa Bals will lead us with her into her Parade Performance.

The entry, as always is free of charge. Bar opens at 8 pm and performances start at 9 pm. This year we will be outside and inside, independently from any kind of weather.

RAW MATTERS – Joint Ventures feat. toZOMIA and Bears in the Park.

Also, check out our collaborators for even more performances. In the afternoon Raw Matters and toZomia are organizing an afternoon full of Site Specific Performances at Gleis 21 in Sonnwendviertel, close to Kempelenpark.

Line Up

Concert, Chanson Urbaine by ORLY

“I know nothing – a parade performance” by Sara-Lisa Bals

“Youdance -A photo exhibition” by Bears in the Park and Elena Tikhonova

“Mehrstimmig gegen das Patriarchat” by femchor

“Flashbacks: Romania during communism.”– a film installation by Gabriel Tempea

DJ set by Malenciaga


At “QUALITY STREET!” the audience gathers outside, looking through a window inside a studio instead of standing or sitting in front of a stage. Ideally one is accompanied by a mild summer night’s breeze and a drink in one hand while each room will light up for 15-20 minutes revealing one of the very distinct performances of the evening.

General Info

3. June at Bears in the Park, Kempelenpark, Vienna

Outdoor-Bar opens at 8pm

Performances start at 9pm

The entry is free. No prior registration is needed.

The park and all the facilities are accessible by wheelchair.

For more info and a peek into previous “QUALITY STREET!” nights.

Bears Workshop Day 13. May

We are celebrating performance art with another edition of our Bears Workshop Day. On Saturday, 13. May, we are opening our doors for people eager to learn, dance, perform and exchange. As always, our recent artists-in-residence will invite you to their practices. For one day, Bears in the Park becomes a site of moving minds and bodies. In order to be part of this event you only need to check the program and register for the workshops you want to attend with:

As always: Our Workshop Days and events are free of charge.

For the full timetable and description of the events, please click here.

Workshop Day Overview

11:00  – 13:00: Asher O’Gorman “∆fforDances”

11:30 – 13:00: Alberto Cissello “Dramaturgies in silence”

Lunch Break

14:00 – 14:30: Bety Pujol Cajal, Open Rehearsal “Let me Talk”

14:30 – 16:00: Bita Bell “negotiations with gravity

16:30 – 18:00: Naïma MazicOF(F) RHYTHM

16:00- 18:00:  Claudia Lomoschitz “VIBRATORY ENCOUNTERS WITH THE VOID”

Time and Place:

Saturday 13. May
from 11am
at Bears in the Park, Kempelengasse 1, 1100 Wien


Outreach & Artistic Research Workshop with Joana Müller

“Outreach Tools for Performing Arts”

Saturday April 22, 10:00-17:00 (with one hour break)

How can we “reach out” to a new audience or new participants in the district? How can we identify and reduce existing barriers? The workshop is aimed at artists who want to reflect the accessibility of their art and want to open it up to an audience that represents the social and urban environment in which it is created.

“Collective and Participatory Artistic Research”

Sunday April 23, 10:00-17:00 (with one hour break)

Methods of artistic research can be used to include collective knowledge and diverse perspectives from individuals and groups. The workshop is aimed at artists who want to try out or even incorporate methods of artistic research and biographic writing in their own art practice. A special focus is put on raising awareness regarding structures of power and discrimination in participatory art work.

Joana Müller

Obtains a B.A. in International Development, Theaterpädagogik BuT and a M.A. degree in Social Space Oriented Social Work. She was a guest lecturer FH Campus Vienna with “Theater im Sozialen”. Furthermore, she works(ed) in the NGO sector, as coordinator of the cultural center in VZA (Meidling), as cultural mediator at the Kultursommer Wien and as media and theater pedagogue.

How to Join?

The workshops are open and free of charge for everyone in the artistic landscape of Vienna. Main language will be English. If interested send an email (including the days you would like to join) to by Friday, 21.4.
Spots are limited to max. 10 participants each day.

All Workshops will take place at Bears in the Park, Kempelengasse 1, 1100 Vienna.

Handle with Care_Gudrun Schmidinger_Jannis Neumann_c_Gudrun Schmidinger_Jannis Neumann

Handle with Care feat. Huggy Bears Part 2 – 24./25. March

Bears in the Park together with Handle with Care by brut Wien present two work-in-progress showings that are the yearly public launch for our Huggy Bears mentoring program artists.

Gudrun Schmidinger – My Favourite Things

Democracy: yay or nay? How can we organise our life together? Who’s got the power, who hasn’t? How can we cherishindividuals while prioritizing co-operation, community, and solidarity? Is political apathy a bourgeois privilege? Or: How can one create joy, courage, comfort, and connection? The performance My Favourite Things asks the audience all these questions and takes them along on a costume-heavy, banger blasting, persona packed journey. That’s because Gudrun Schmidinger loves funny shows and popular culture. And she just can’t stop asking questions.

Gudrun Schmidinger is a director and performer whose work moves at the intersection between theatre, performance, and politics. For her show „Every Wednesday“ she received the The Avrom Greenbaum Players Award For Direction 2022.



Jannis Neumann – neither fish nor meat

Fabulous creatures of the sea: The mermaid has a human torso and a fish-like lower body. The selkie can transform from human to seal. neither fish nor meat is an attempt to discard the typical images of the hybrid entity or temporary shapeshifting and replace them with a physical in-between: a creature that has both human limbs and seal fins. And along the way, Jannis Neumann questions the representation of maleness, animality, and gender.

Jannis Neumann is a student at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the University of Applied Art Vienna and holds a degree in visual art, biology, and education studies from the University of Gießen, Germany. In his art, he focuses on performance, painting, and sculpture.


The format

Handle with Care is a series of brut that offers insights into creative processes and new experimental formats. Here, artists can also try out works that are still in the making in front of an audience and receive feedback. This creates spaces for conversations and exchange of opinions

At Bears in the Park the series takes a turn towards our studios. Within imagetanz festival 2023 we offer an insight into Vienna’s young performance scene. This year’s Huggy Bears mentoring participants will show their most recent works. A foretaste of what will happen at their premieres in autmn 2023.

Further Information

Both Work-in-progress showings will be held on March 24th and March 25th from 4-6pm.

at Bears in the Park

Admission: Pay as you wish

Our studios are fully accessible by wheelchair.

Handle with Care feat. Huggy Bears Part 1 – 18./19. March

Bears in the Park together with Handle with Care by brut Wien present two work-in-progress showings that are the yearly public launch for our Huggy Bears mentoring program artists.

Nina Sandino & Ragnheiður Erla Björnsdóttir  – The 4th Revolution

Every year over 100 billion garments of clothing are being produced globally. Most of these pieces end up in charity shops or dump sites in the global south. Every second, the equivalent of one garbage truck of textiles is landfilled or burned. With this piece Nina Sandino and Ragnheiður Erla Björnsdóttir explore the use of different technologies in the clothing production: handmade work vs the sewing machine vs virtual reality. The 4th Revolution is about the feminine and ancestral: all the knowledge passed from one generation to another generation of women. It’s about intimacy, a way to (re)connect in order to care and protect.

Nina Sandino was born in the Caribbean and raised in Nicaragua. Following her studies of architecture, she went on to study contemporary dance at the Music and Arts University of Vienna. Her work as a performer moves between art and activism.

Ragnheiður Erla Björnsdóttir is an Icelandic composer, poet, and voice artist. She lives and works in Vienna.

Ariadne Randall – here is always vanishing

The venue is a bar, any bar, the concept of a bar. Time passes, a band breaks up, wives dance with wives, rats eat cats. There’s a knife fight, a shark tank, a country song, and the blind prophet Tiresias from Greek mythology. Artist Ariadne Randall poses many questions in here is always vanishing, her very first performance work, including this one: What’s the appropriate cocktail for the end of the world?

Ariadne Randall is a composer, poet, and artist. Her first performance piece here is always vanishing is a work in progress.

The format

Handle with Care is a series of brut that offers insights into creative processes and new experimental formats. Here, artists can also try out works that are still in the making in front of an audience and receive feedback. This creates spaces for conversations and exchange of opinions

At Bears in the Park the series takes a turn towards our studios. Within imagetanz festival 2023 we offer an insight into Vienna’s young performance scene. This year’s Huggy Bears mentoring participants will show their most recent works. A foretaste of what will happen at their premieres in autmn 2023.

Further Information

Both Work-in-progress showings will be held on March 18th and March 19th from 4-6pm.

at Bears in the Park

Admission: Pay as you wish

Our studios are fully accessible by wheelchair.

Bears Workshop Day February

Bears Workshop Day February 25th

We are celebrating performance art with another edition of our Bears Workshop Day. On Saturday, February 25th, we are opening our doors for people eager to learn, dance, perform and exchange. As always, our recent artists-in-residence will invite you to their practices. For one day, Bears in the Park becomes a site of moving minds and bodies. In order to be part of this event you only need to check the program and register for the workshops you want to attend with:

For the full timetable and description of the events, please click here.

Workshop Day Overview

11:00 – 12:30: Alberto Cisello “Dramaturgies in silence”

11:00 – 12:30: Jasmin Hoffer “Dough sculptures”

13:00 – 14:30: Fabian Faltin “Games for Adults”

13:00 – 15:00: Liv Schellander “what the felt sense?”

15:30 – 17:30: Daphna Horenczyk “Rehearsal for birthing and dying”

18:00 – 20:00: Samuel Feldhandler “Georges tremble, Etudes”

18:00 – 20:00: Iris Dittler “Transpositions”

Time and Place:

Saturday 25th of February
from 11am
at Bears in the Park, Kempelengasse 1, 1100 Wien

Bears Workshop Day in January

Our first Bears Workshop Day of the year is happening on Saturday, January 28th. Our current artists-in-residence will either share some of their practices or show the recent state of their work. We are looking forward to a full day of exciting learning opportunities and social exchange. As always everyone is welcome: No matter if you are already a treasured part of the performing art scene or just want to have a peek into what is happening here, come and join us for this Workshop Day at Bears in the Park.

All of the workshops/ showings are free of charge as we want to make them as accessible as possible. Also, you are welcome to only visit one event or decide to stay for more offers. Only register prior with

For the full timetable and descriptions of the events, please click here.

Time and Place:

Saturday 28th of January
from 11am
at Bears in the Park, Kempelengasse 1, 1100 Wien