In the spirit of shared creativity is more creativity we invite you to the 1st Bear Workshop Fest to get to know our recent artists in residence and their practices. Each of them will give a workshop or open practice which is inspired by their current work and/or experiences. Participants therefore can choose out of 8 very distinct offers that involve practices from dance, to body explorations to theory driven encounters. We highly encourage participants to seize the opportunity to join more than one workshop to explore different practices. This festival after all is meant for connecting, discussing and sharing. As always at Bears in the Park all workshops are free of charge. For further connecting there will be a pay-as-you-wish bar in our kitchen area from 6pm on.
Please register upfront with name(s) of workshop(s) you would like to attend here:
Contents and Timeslots: Timetable Bear Workshop Fest
Agnes bCanario and Golbon Moltaji “Sadis-Rose Calaboca”
Sebastian Berger “Object Manipulation – an introduction”
Flora Boros “Individual exploration of different movement qualities”
Daphna Horenczyk “Moving in times of uncertainty”
Jeanne Lakits “Undierctional”
Johanna Nielson & Agnes Schneidewind “they trollen forth. playing with the sensuous body”
Max Oravin “How to fill a room with sound: Some creative strategies for working with time, space and memory”
Elisabeth Ward “An Abstraction on Simone Forti’s News Animations”
Further info:
8th of May 2022
Workshops from 11-19h
At: Kempelengasse 1/ Bauteil 1 / ground floor/ 1100 Wien
Water and some little snacks will be provided. As the Fest will be taking place on Sunday we recommend to bring something for lunch.